Entry #434, March 1, 2011
Happy first day of March! Stagetecture’s theme for the month is – “Home Renewal”. This month we will look at ways to get your home ready for Spring: green resources to repurpose, reuse, and have eco-friendly practices at home. We will also look at Spring colors for your decor, and outdoor entertaining areas such as your porches, lawn and landscaping ideas. March is for starting to thaw out from the cold and welcome in the Spring Equinox on March 21st!
Today, we’re back with Stagetecture’s weekly feature – Astrology Home Notes. with Dolores Morford. This month’s new moon brings plenty for you to do around your home, and repurposing and bringing out a unique side to your home decor and surroundings are good goals.

Repurposing is stressed this week
Refer here for detailed information for each sign and element:
Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Earth Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo
Air Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Water Signs : Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
Astrology Home Notes
Week of March 1, 2011
Begin this month and the New Moon on March 4th by creating home spaces that lend to good relationships… the ones that bring out the best in you. Saturn in Libra, last year and staying for another until Nov 2012, brings focus to people and alignments of all kinds… romance, family, friends, & business. Libra’s energy is bringing us all a greater interest in supportive alliances for sharing ideas, feeling like-minded connection, and simply having fun together.
Five planets in Creative Pisces call to the decorator in you to use well-aspecting Transforming Pluto to cleverly use a lot of what you already have in new ways. That way, Saturn’s challenges in the resource department won’t be much of an issue. Profound changes are coming for many people as the 2nd half of the month is underway after Uranus ’ move into Aries on March 11th and the Equinox on March 20th. Set your schedule so that you’re completing home things in the 2 weeks from the 19th Full Moon on.

Bring in unique decor that reflects REAL YOU
The Cosmic Weather this month amounts to encouraging doing things differently, change things around, and add in unique décor– especially as reflects the Real You.
Fire: Aries, Leo & Sagittarius
You will have increasing opportunities, often involving surprises and innovative ideas. Involving your self in creative projects will be a great stress-reliever .
Earth: Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo
Emphasize transforming things you already have into new décor by repositioning items as well as using them as resources for something else.

Transforming - How about paint old furniture to look new?
Air : Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Flexibility will help you sort through possibilities. Take time to finalize plans so you can first test out some ideas.
Water: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
This is THE month to let those creative ideas take over. You just may find extra energy reserves for initiating decorating projects you have had in mind for quite awhile.

Creativity is key - Plan a creative area for your kids! (Image courtesy of Ikea)
See the week by week Astrology Home Notes posts of here.

Dolores Morford
For over 30 years, Dolores Morford – has been a Life Management Counselor and professional Astrologer. Additionally, she uses the ancient wisdom of the Kabala as revealed in the Tarot. By combining various pathways for self and life understanding, she affords her clients a unique opportunity to best manage their lives and prosper in
body, mind, emotions and spirit. For in depth information on your personal astrological info, cosmic calendars, coaching and more visit her at away4u. Twitter @Away_4u
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