Back to school tips are essential for kids, but also you as the parents. Now that children will be busy with their new back to school routines, moms will be free for those few hours in the morning. Free, perhaps isn’t the right word to use for moms! But I do agree that there is some time on hands that mothers don’t realize and end up being confused about what to do. Our today’s post gives handy and useful tips to mothers so that they can make the best use of this uninterrupted morning time and enjoy a few hours of freedom.
Back to School Tips: Parents – How to Utilize your Time
Catch A Wink
Well, not the best choice for the top of the list but frankly something that all mothers crave for – some uninterrupted sleep time. Your kids, even the younger ones will be gone for a few hours, so take out an hour or forty-five minutes and catch up with that pending sleep. Not only will this short nap refreshen you up but will also arm you with the necessary energy to carry on with the day.
Back to school tips: Clear Up The Clutter
Once you are refreshed and revitalized, head straight to the kids room. The patience thus gained from step one will make you productive and you will see yourself akin decisions and clearing away clutter more efficiently. Now that kids are away, throw away the unwanted stuff, reorganize cupboards and just get rid of anything that is not required and adds to clutter.
Prepare Make Ahead Meals
With the clutter gone and sleep taken care of, there is just one more area that needs a little attention. Meals! Utilize some time to prepare for the days meals like chopping veggies, collecting food stuff and planning what all you will be preparing for the day ahead. Believe me this little exercise will save you so much heartburn and ensure that your day runs smooth. At meals times with the ingredients all ready, you just need a few minutes to toss your dishes. Browse through our easy meals category for family meal ideas.
Back to school: Catch Up With Friends
And if time permits, which I believe with my personal experience that it will, take out some time for recreation. Going out for a movie might not be possible until you have kids who spend longer hours at school but small nothings won’t hurt. Call on friends for tea, unwind yourself and laugh about small things.
One thing that I have observed about some moms is that they feel guilty about enjoying in their kids absence. Please, don’t be! Only when you are relaxed, calm and focused can you provide them with the best. So take some time out and organize your life and house. It will just gift you and your family with a healthy alternative of living. Do share your views on this post.
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Great ideas Simran! When my kidsj were going to school, the first thing I would do after dropping them off was sit in the living room and just listen to the quiet. :).
Passing this on to all parents anticipating the first day of school!