Entry #17, January 18, 2010
The cold weather was justified for the holidays.. but now your utility bill is showing signs that your house needs to get winterized, and fast! Preparing your home for the winter will help keep your family warmer, and your wallet fuller. You can spend a few dollars to seal windows or you can replace old windows. You decide on what your house needs this season.
*Openings: Windows and doors are the main culprit of lost heat, and leaking cool air. Try these tips to help seal out
the cold.
Windows: Check the weather stripping around the window. Check if caulking is peeling on the inside and on the exterior. Place your hand around edges to feel if air is seeping in. Consider using do-it-yourself plastic sealing kits, which use adhesive backing to secure to window frame, and a simple hair dryer to keep plastic tight. If you have single pane windows, consider replacing windows one by one.
Doors: Like windows, install weather stripping around doors. For exterior doors install door sweeps, to trap air from coming underneath the door. For drafty interior doorways, consider fabric or foam draft stoppers below the door. Not using your three guest rooms? Shut the door and the vents that supply those rooms. This will push more air to those rooms that you do occupy!
*Exterior: Clean gutters and remove debris on a regular basis. Leaves, tree limbs, and pine needles can clog gutters, and won’t allow water to drain properly from your roof. This in turn can lead to ice dams in freezing temperatures.
- Keep those gutter’s debris free
*Water Heater: If your water heater is set at the same temperature as the summer, turn it down. It requires more energy for the water heater to heat the water in the winter. Is your water heater in the garage? Consider buying a pre-cut insulation jacket, this will help maintain the temperature in the heater.
*Ceiling Fans: Reverse fan blade direction from the summer time. Warm air will be pushed down from the ceiling, instead of pulled away from the room. This tip doesn’t cost you a thing, and can keep you from turning up the thermostat!
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