Entry #64, April 13, 2010
Did your mom ever say ” Make a list so you don’t forget”? How many of us really made lists? If I told you

Martha Stewart has a cleaning guide that will make you a professional, or think you are at least!
a list kept in your kitchen drawer of grocery items needed throughout the week could save time in the store,
would you believe me? Instead of thinking of them as “HAVE TO DO LIST”, think of them as “I CAN DO LIST”! Here are a few of my favorite cleaning checklists that help my family remember things, and helps me and hubby keep our sanity!
1.) Spring cleaning: I think the term “list” has a negative feeling to it. How about “guide”? Who doesn’t want a guide to help them through their daily

Know how to clean your iron? Real Simple's laundry checklist can help
lives? Remember the Spring cleaning guide by Martha Stewart? This guide is broken down by rooms, cleaning products, very easy to follow.
2.) Laundry: Most of us put our clothes in the washer, wait 40 minutes and come back and switch them to the dryer, that’s it. What about cleaning the laundry room? Would it help to have a guide? Real Simple has a complete checklist from cleaning the floor to cleaning the iron! Look at the starting of the list:
The Washer:
Run white vinegar through the washer. This will sanitize the inside and clear away soap scum.
The Dryer:
Empty the lint trap. Wipe off fuzz with a damp cloth or a used fabric-softener sheet. Or wet your hands and run your fingers over the mesh screen to scoop up the lint. Fabric softener can cause a waxy buildup on the screen, so wash it out in a sink or vacuum it.
Wipe the interior walls of the dryer. Use a cloth dampened with dishwashing liquid and warm water. Scrub any lint residue around the trap opening with an old toothbrush, if necessary.

Spend more time enjoying your space, have a guide to make cleaning a breeze!
For the rest of the laundry checklist article visit, Real Simple.
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There’s a great tele-seminar about staging a home at http://www.socialmediamarketingforrealtors.com/staging … I listened to it last week.
Thank you Dave! I’ll make sure and listen to it. Thanks for the comment.