Entry #1661, September 29, 2012
Happy DIY Saturday! Everywhere you look now, custom chandeliers are becoming more and more popular. Remember our DIY Saturday – Create a Mason Jar Chandelier? Today here are more creative tips for creating custom chandeliers.
The first is in a You Tube Video – see how to make a Jack Daniels bottle chandelier – It’s so cool!
Then see how to make a whimsical popiscle stick chandelier. Yep. You heard me right.. Popsicle sticks!
You Tube – How to Make a Custom Chandelier
Link to You Tube –> How to make a custom chandelier
How to Make a Popsicle Stick Chandelier
You can do more than just a house using Popsicle sticks. You may not know it but you can create a decorative chandelier using Popsicle sticks, a few materials, and creativity. The best thing with this project is that you can do it according to how you want it to look like. You can also adjust the width and length that is suitable for your space. Thanks Home Edit for this great idea for a custom chandelier.
The materials you need are basically affordable and can be found at home. Interestingly, the remarkable output only requires simple steps and a few meaningful hours assembly. Here’s how to make a Popsicle stick chandelier:
Materials Needed
- Embroidery hoops. Make sure that the type of material is not easy to break. You need at least three hoops for layering and must be in different circumference.
- Glue gun
- Stick glue
- Popsicle sticks (Small and large)
- Tie wires
- Pliers
- Light bulbs with receptacles
- Electrical wires
- Remove the metal lock of your embroidery hoops. These will serve as the base foundation for your Popsicle sticks top form a circular shape.
- Glue the Popsicle sticks outside of the circumference of the hoop. Line up and glue your Popsicle sticks to in line with the circumference of the embroidery hoops. Repeat this step with the remaining two hoops.
- The largest embroidery hoop should be glued into the outer circumference of the sticks.
- Glue the other ends of the Popsicle sticks into the next embroidery hoop. It is a little smaller in circumference than the first. You need to add sticks on the inside of the hoop for support.
- Use tie wires for bracing. Cut the wire using pliers and insert it in the gap between the stick with the brace.
- After you have formed the chandelier. Brush or spray it with paint according to your preference.
- Install your light bulbs with their corresponding receptacles and connect the wiring.
NOTE: If you are not familiar with electric connections, ask assistance with skilled electrician.
8. Hang the chandelier by using nylon or any solid support like the tie wire so it can hold on its weight.
Always ensure safety in making this project. Check the sturdiness of your chandelier as well as its electrical wiring. Energize your chandelier and be ready to be captivated by the beauty and elegance this brings to your home.
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