Entry #51, March 27, 2010

Pastel colors, colored eggs, and Easter Baskets… Spring is finally here!
Easter is next Sunday, April 4th. Whether you celebrate Easter, or just love spring decor. Here’s some great ideas that are ‘springing’ up!
Southern Living has an article dedicated to Spring centerpieces and

These centerpieces can be kept for years to come
Easter goodies.
Pottery Barn Kids has topiary Easter egg trees, perfect for the Easter dinner table centerpiece.
Want to focus on Spring with some refreshing colors, and natural materials at the table? Southern Living has a beautiful citrus floral centerpiece that would make any chairs envious! Have extra room in your refrigerator? You can prepare floral arrangements the night before, so it’s one less thing to worry about when your guests arrive.

Your guests will marvel over this simple, but beautiful Spring centerpiece!
Tips: Plan your meals ahead of time, make a shopping list, and ask guests if they have any food preferences/allergies. Your entertaining will be a less stressful when you’re organized and happy!
For more home decor ideas on Stagetecture, click here.
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