Weekend gardening is a great time to get your edible plants started. Spring time is perfect for gardening and planting. Other than beautiful and colorful flowers, anybody that cooks should plant a few edibles, in their spring garden or even in containers. They will add freshness and vitamins to your meals, making them delicious and nutritious with no additional cost. Here are some ideas on what to plant in containers this spring. Just make sure to use right-sized containers and suitable soil mix for the plants you want to thrive.
Weekend Gardening: Edibles to Grow This Spring
How to Grow Container Herbs
Herbs are ideal for container gardens. They are easy to plant and thrive and they are low-maintenance. Having your fresh, favorite herbs ready to be used is the ultimate key to creating delightful dishes. Some of the herbs like mint are better to be grown in containers since they can grow easily and take up a lot of space if planted in a garden. Some ideas for herbs to be planted are oregano, parsley, thyme, and cilantro, all of which can be harvested and dried if needed. Other ideas are to plant basil, lemongrass, and rosemary. Those herbs require larger containers if not planted in a garden. Here are some herbs we love to grow.
Weekend Gardening: Learn to Grow Strawberries in a Container
Strawberries are great to be grown in containers or a garden. They can be harvested and turned into delicious marmalades, desserts, sauces or ice cream and even be frozen to be used at a later time. Containers are ideal for growing strawberries because they will grow over the edges and not get in touch with the soil, making them easy to thrive and eat. Hanging containers can also add to any balcony’s appeal. Just make sure to plant a lot of strawberry plants, since you will want to have many of those aromatic fruits to enjoy.
How about a yummy Citrus Plant for your Weekend Gardening?
Although many think citrus trees grow only in warm climates, you can succeed in growing your own lemon, lime or orange tree even in colder areas. Just plant the tree in a large pot and move it into a warmer place – even inside – in the cold months. They may not produce very big citrus fruits, but they will be for sure filled with taste, juice, and fragrance.
These are just some ideas of many edibles you could plant that are easy to grow and to maintain without much effort. The effect, though, of having your own oranges or basil to use is so much greater than the effort it takes. Just go ahead and plant your favorite edible to enjoy them throughout spring, summer and even fall!
For more gardening ideas on Stagetecture, click here.
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