When it comes to home makeovers and home improvement, laundry rooms don’t tend to get as much love as other rooms of the home, such as bathrooms and kitchens. But just because laundry rooms aren’t the focus of most home improvement blogs or TV shows doesn’t mean it’s a room that you should completely ignore. Your laundry room serves a valuable purpose for your home, and it’s something you should ensure works properly at all times.
Essential Use Tips for Your Dull Laundry Room
Image via: Home Organization
No matter if you have a large laundry room with tons of space or if your working with a stand-up washer and dryer in the closet of your bedroom, the following are some must-use tips for your laundry room that you need to implement today.
Organize your Laundry Room
The very first thing you need to do in your laundry room is to organize it. Start by decluttering your laundry room. Remove items that are stored in there that don’t need to be stored in there. You should also invest in baskets or shelving to help you have a place for everything. These can be bought for pretty cheap, and they can make your laundry room much easier to use (and easier on the eye). Keeping detergents and fabric softeners on shelves will look nicer, and keeping all of your necessities in one place will keep you from trying to figure out where things are.
You should also try to have enough laundry baskets for your different washing categories. For example, if you separate your laundry by whites, darks, and gentle, then you would want three laundry baskets to help keep you organized. If you have more or less, then you’ll want to ensure you buy the right amount of baskets. You’ll be amazed at how big of a difference some simple organization can make.
Image via: HGTV
Hanging Rods Add Vertical Storage Space
If you have the space in your laundry room, you should add some rods and tables. The rods are a great place to hang clothes that need to be hang dried instead of thrown in the dryer. The amount of rods you need in your laundry room will depend on how many of these items you have. If you have a lot of clothes that don’t go in the dryer, then you will want to invest in multiple rods. If you only have a few, then you’ll want one or two.
Tables or Counters Add Task Areas
Along with rods, tables are another great addition to the laundry room. Tables are a great way for you to keep items off the floor (such as those loads that recently come out of the washer or dryer). They are also a great place to help you fold the laundry. Then, you can place the folder laundry into a basket and bring it to its place of residence. Tables can also be a great place for pre-treatment. If you have a piece of clothing with a stain on it, and your pre-treat product wants you to keep the treatment on the clothing for an hour or so before washing, then you can keep the item in the laundry room without putting it on the floor.
Image via: Sunset
Add Decor to Bring Life to your Laundry Room
Chances are you spend more time in your laundry room than you realize, so why not make it your own? Don’t be afraid to add some fun décor to your laundry room. Paint it a fun color that will make you feel happy while doing laundry. You can also buy some wall décor for your laundry room in order to make it stand out as its own unique place in your home. You can opt to buy some laundry-specific wall décor to stick with the theme, or you can choose another style you like. No matter what you choose, any type of décor will help the room stand out.
For more laundry room ideas on Stagetecture, click here.
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