Entry #2158, March 31, 2013
You don’t have to be an intrepid traveler to vacation alone, neither it is necessary for you to be a part of a group tour to have fun. Regardless of gender, anyone can travel solo and really enjoy it. In fact, sometimes it’s all the more fun travelling alone as you can be flexible without having to compromise with a travel partner. But, when it comes to hitting the road on your own, there are some essential tips every solo traveler must follow.
Image Credit: Fae
One of the most important things a solo traveler must ensure is self-safety. Keep your friends or family members informed about your itinerary. Details about airlines, hotel numbers, and, sightseeing must be included. Set a time to call back home to inform about your ware bouts and changes if any. Also, put some common sense in place with valuables. Carrying expensive items, wearing flashy jewelry is a big no. It’s sensible to stash passport, credit cards, and cash in separate places.
Have a good plan
If you are considering traveling alone, prepare in advance to make your trip more comfortable. Use the web or local library to research about your destinations. Study the history, language, customs, and traditions of the region.
Image via: Clones Clowns
Pack smart
Be ruthless and take only what is essential. Nothing can be more exhausting than carrying a luggage full of stuff you thought you might need. A small suitcase, a backpack, and a money belt is probably all you would need.
Keep a journal
Image Credit: Ayush Veda
Even though it will require some discipline to write a journal regularly, it’s recommended to maintain one. Not only will it help to fill some time when feeling lonely, you can also refer it back for places and sights in future. Once you are back home, journal will help you relate your experiences to others.
Dining alone
Eating alone is often a conundrum for many but; this does not mean you should rush your meals. Eat well and stay healthy or else you can ruin you solo trip. You can choose a lively café or bistro to dine. If eating alone pushes you to an uncomfortable zone, consider bringing reading materials along. However, as the whole purpose of your travelling is to discover new places and meet new faces, dining is the best time to pick up conversations with people around you.
Overall, travelling solo is a great way to have a wonderful time all by yourself. All you need is to be aware about your surroundings and appear self-assured and confident.
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