One of the latest trends in home upgrades revolves around creating outdoor rooms that extend your square footage and thus, your livable space. This often includes planning and building an outdoor retreat complete with dedicated seating areas (a patio or deck festooned with comfortable furnishings), a cooking center (whether it’s just a grill or an entire island), ample lighting, water features, and flora and fauna that provide a screen from the neighbors and a treat for the senses. It may sound like a pretty tall order, but when you’re lounging in your chic backyard sipping Mai Tais with the ladies or beers with the bros, you’re going to appreciate the extra “room” a lot more. And there are several elements you can include to make the space functional and unique. So if you’re waffling on whether or not to add a gazebo, here are a few benefits you may not have considered.

gazebos backyard
Image via: Myriam Payne Interior Designers & Decorators
1. Shelter from the storm.
The first and best reason to install a gazebo in the backyard is to provide protection from the elements. No matter what type of climate you live in, there are bound to be times when you’d like to enjoy the outdoors without having to worry about an assault by the sun or rain. A gazebo won’t stop strong winds or snow flurries from getting in, but if you want a shady vantage from which you enjoy the beauty of your yard during the summer, or if you enjoy drinking your coffee and reading the paper outdoors, even when it’s sprinkling, a gazebo can offer you the shelter you need to make the most of your outdoor space.
2. Kiddie play room.
There are times when every parent has to shove the kids out the door in order to get some stuff done in the house. Having a gazebo in the backyard can give your kids a suitable place to play that protects them from the elements. And you can fix it up in a number of appealing ways. You might train vines up the lattice sides of the structure to create a hidden fort in which kids can have their imaginary adventures. Or you could furnish the space with a table, chairs, and storage for supplies so that kids can get crafty without making a huge mess where you just cleaned indoors.
3. Set dressing.
If you entertain family, friends, and colleagues frequently or you’re planning to host some fancy events in the future (weddings, birthday parties, and the like) you’ll certainly get plenty of use out of your gazebo. It not only provides shelter and utility, but it’s also a beautiful set dressing that can act as a focal point and make any celebration more glamorous.

How will you use your gazebo?
Image via: Landmark Photography
4. Privacy.
Some gazebos are open on all sides, with only pillars holding up the roof. But you can also opt to cover the sides with lattice to create a privacy screen for those inside. If your current backyard offers limited solitude, adding a gazebo could be a way to get it without shelling out huge amounts of money for all-around fencing and foliage. Whether you put a café set with table and chairs or a hot tub inside, you’ll get the privacy you seek with a screened gazebo.
5. Property value.
Any permanent structure you add to your property has the potential to raise the value, especially if it is utilitarian. And while you might not see a huge return on investment by adding a gazebo to your backyard, it could definitely act as a selling point for interested buyers down the road.
For more outdoor ideas on Stagetecture, click here.
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What a great post Ronique 🙂
I’ve been building gazebo’s for over 25 years and I can vouch that there is nothing better then hosting a fancy event in one’s back yard!
Love your writing and getting to see someone who appreciates Gazebos 🙂