Guest Blogger #544, Entry #1231, May 29, 2012
Every 15.4 seconds a burglar breaks into a home in the United States. That’s straight from the FBI. Families need every edge they can get to keep from becoming part of that statistic. Take these 6 home security tips to heart and you will be much safer in your home.

Protect your family and home
Image via: Houzz
1. Fortify the burglar’s easiest entry points.
Your back door, front door and garage door are most common ways for burglars to get into a home. Usually the garage door is the weakest and easiest target, followed by the back door. Burglars can often work on back doors and garage doors without being noticed by neighbors. They also know that if they get into a garage, many families will leave extra keys in parked cars.
Make sure your locks on all these entrances are strong. Install deadbolts on all doors that are outside or between the house and the garage. You can have a locksmith come through and get rock solid locks on all these doors. Also make sure your lock strike plates are rugged. When you have a door near a window, consider a “double cylinder” lock. It can be locked from the inside with a second key so an intruder can’t just break a window, reach around and turn the door knob.
2. Never give away the fact that you’re gone.
Most of us know to stop the delivery of newspapers and mail. Also, set up lights on timers around the house—including the outside—and keep a car in the driveway if possible. If you’re prone to bragging about your great vacation spots, be careful. Don’t boast in public about the fact that you’ll be “basking on a tropical beach for two straight weeks starting Monday!”
If you have a lawn, mow it just before you leave if you’ll be gone long enough for it to start looking a little shaggy. I don’t know how many people still use answering machines, but if that’s you, turn it down so it doesn’t blare every time the phone rings.

Put locks on all windows and doors
Image via: Houzz
3. Put locks on windows and sliding glass doors.
Those little thumb locks on windows are not very secure. Invest in window locks. Also, if you have a sliding glass patio door, it needs two shots of extra security. You need to prevent it from sliding with either a lock or a length of wood. Also, these can be easily lifted up and out of their tracks. You need a device to prevent this. A good locksmith can help you get your sliding glass door properly secured.
4. Fix your doorbell.
Here’s the job description for many burglars: Pretend to be a salesman. Ring the doorbell. If someone answers talk for a minute or two then leave and go to the next house. If no one answers, bingo, go around to the back and break in. If your doorbell is broken you could easily have an unwelcome intruder in your midst someday soon. Fix a broken doorbell and test yours regularly.
5. Use a home alarm system.
Homes that are equipped with alarm systems are far less frequently burglarized. Use it all the time, even when you’re home. It’s bad enough to come home and find that you’ve been robbed. It’s far worse to come downstairs and find out that you’re in the process of being robbed. Also, put the decals of the company monitoring your system on windows in the front and back. Burglars generally prefer breaking in through rear entrances. Also, don’t forget to turn it on when you leave. One professional burglar reports that 90 percent of the homes he victimized had alarms that were not turned on.

Keep your home well lit in the evening
Image via: Houzz
6. Change all the locks when you move.
If you’re moving into a new home, switch out all the locks on day one. This is the perfect time to call in a locksmith, get a top-to-bottom inspection along with some sound advice, and have all your locks switched out. If you’re an avid DIYer, spend some time at your nearest home improvement center and invest in all the locks and deadbolts you need to safely secure all your doors and windows. Don’t forget patio doors and garage doors. If you are renting, be certain your landlord has changed the locks to your new apartment or house.
Follow these 6 home security tips and there’s every reason to believe that the bad guys are going to pass by your home and go find a much easier target.
About the author: These home security tips were provided by, a locksmith company serving the Ottawa area.
For more home security tips on Stagetecture, click here.
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It is very important to observe security measures at our homes like locking of doors and windows. This will ensure that we are safe from any security threats. These additional tips that you have shared are all very helpful. Thanks for sharing.
thanks for the safety preventive tips and suggestions .most of them i already applied on my home and some are newly for me which i will employ promptly as its important.thanks for the insightful sharing.