Guest Blogger #280, Entry #808, December 2, 2011
Most homeowners put a premium on usable space. Because we live in a consumer society, we’re not only driven to work hard and earn lots of money, but also to spend our disposable income on “stuff”, be it food, entertainment, transportation, vacations, or home goods (for example). In fact, we purchase so much stuff that often we run out of room in our homes to store or use all of it, so that most adults are going through a continual cycle of upgrading, trading, and recycling. So if it turns out that you don’t need your garage space to house a car, truck, or other vehicle, why not consider turning that additional space into the game room you’ve been dreaming of?

Convert your garage into a extra needed space – a game room!
Image via: Shelter Pop
Both parents and kids can benefit from having a place to watch movies, play video games, and even knock off a round of billiards or air hockey away from the hustle and bustle of the heart of the household (the centralized living room/kitchen/dining area). And game nights with the guys will no longer leave the whole house stinking of cigars. So if you’ve got plenty of reasons to build a game room, here are a few ways you can transform your garage space to suit your needs.
Clear out your garage
For starters, you need to clear everything out and do a massive cleaning. Even if you’re the first owner of your current home you’ve probably been using the garage to house some toxic chemicals like automotive fluids, paint, fertilizer and pesticides (just to name a few). Since you probably don’t want to be breathing in lingering fumes from these items, it pays to clean up any spills and really scrub the concrete before you lay down flooring. Once you’ve done this preliminary work you should have an energy assessment done. The technician will tell you which areas need to be sealed in order to keep pests out and hot or cold air in.
Decorating your garage
Now you’re ready to start the fun part: decorating! If this is a man-cave, you’ll likely want to install masculine touches from floor to ceiling. Dark wood planks or dark-colored carpeting are a good place to start and you can make the space (which is often rather spacious) a bit cozier with a wall color that is deep and saturated. Cool colors like blues, greens, and purples will provide the relaxing atmosphere you seek. Of course, if this is also going to be something of a play room for the kids you should opt instead for a neutral color of carpeting (that will hide stains) and a brighter wall color.

A new game room can be right around the corner!
Image via: Take a Break
Choosing your amenities
Once you’ve got the foundation in place it’s time for the finishing touches. You’ll want to add furnishing, for certain, and if you have the space, comfortable and oversized pieces are surely the way to go. This isn’t a home office; it’s a place to kick back! Leather is a good choice because it is modern and manly, but also because the kids are less likely to destroy or stain it than something plush. Now you just have to add the hallmarks of a game room (a felt-covered table for poker, a flatscreen TV with plenty of game consoles hooked up, surround sound, and maybe even a bar if it’s just for the bros). Make sure to include storage for all of your media, poker chips and cards, and any other paraphernalia.
Although it’s not like you’re going to put up a collection of Peterbilt day cab trucks for sale, along with extra parts and tools, you’ll likely have to do plenty of work to turn your garage into an awesome game room. So take the time to make a plan and before you know it you’ll be holding ‘em, folding ‘em, and racking them up in your brand new game room.
For more garage ideas on Stagetecture, click here.
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