Guest Blogger #317, Entry #882, January 6, 2012
The long nights and dark days of winter bring with them an instinct to hibernate. Although most of us still have to scrape the car windows, shovel the sidewalk, and head out into the winter winds each day to get the kids to school and ourselves to work, we spend the day dreaming about a hot bath and a bowl of stew when we get home. The warm comforts that wait at home are the only things that make the winter months bearable. And yet, if you’re not looking to some cuddle time with your honey to help stave off the chills that abound during this season, you’re missing out on a major source of shelter from the storm. So leave your flannel PJs in the closet and get ready to generate some body heat with a winter bedroom makeover that’s geared at romance.

Warm up to a romantic bedroom this winter
Image via: Luxury-Idea
Make a nest
Okay, so you don’t need to pile on the pillows in order to create a warm and inviting love nest. Even most women will admit that removing a bushel of pillows from the bed in order to get romantic is a hassle. What you should do instead is use color, texture, and a few well-placed pieces to create a lush look that isn’t a frumpy, over-stuffed detriment to your sex life. Forget about winter whites, which show every stain, and opt for high-thread-count linens in saturated jewel tones to entice the eyes. Top them with a couple of fuzzy blankets and a gorgeous quilt that goes with your decor (skip the patterns and opt for a single color for a sophisticated look). Then add just a few pillows in different sizes and maybe a bed scarf to approximate the feel of a posh hotel.
Dim the lights
Nobody feels sexy under harsh fluorescent lights, and even bright overheads can make you feel self-conscious. So add a little mood lighting by dimming the bulbs in your bedroom lamps (try downgrading your 60-watt bulbs to a dim 25) and looking for options in soft pink (it’s flattering to every skin tone). Candles are another option, and their gentle flicker will help to set the mood.

Lighting in a bedroom can change the mood instantly
Use common scents
Your bedroom may not necessarily be smelly, but if you want to do your best to fan the flame in your relationship, it behooves you to tantalize all the senses. For some warm and romantic relations in the heart of winter, consider scented candles, oils, or air fresheners that make you think of home. Those that smell like foods are probably your best bet, with apple scents and baked goods topping the list of deliciously appetizing smells. But you might also bring about a love connection with some light flower scents (just avoid heavy, cloying odors like gardenia or jasmine).
Avoid electronics
There is no quicker way to kill the romance than with a TV that is always on or a thousand lights blinking around the room. If you really want to create a retreat geared towards a healthy relationship, consider ditching the electronics altogether. Relegate the TV to the living room, send your gadgets to the office for nightly charging, and remove your digital clock in favor of your old analog standby. You might be surprised what this simple transformation will do for your love life.

Add romantic touches to your bedroom
Image via: House Garden Design
Add romantic touches
Romance isn’t something that just happens on its own; you’ll have to make an effort. And unless couples counseling is on your agenda this year, it behooves you to do what you can to keep the spark alive. So introduce some massage oil, a few nice lingerie items, and even racy romance novels to your bedroom atmosphere to spice up the space and complete your romantic winter retreat.
For more bedroom & living ideas on Stagetecture, click here.
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