Guest Blogger #588, Entry #1361, July 4, 2012
Like thousands of people around the world the global economic climate has forced many people to cut expenses such as gym memberships, magazine subscriptions and nights out on the town. As people now have less disposable income, home owners are tenants are looking at different ways to stay fit in and around the home. If you are considering revamping your home to incorporate gym equipment into a space, consider these thoughts and limitations you may face in the future.
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Potential Pitfalls
The idea of a home gym may sound perfect, you can work out in privacy on your own schedule. Before you start de-cluttering your home and selling unwanted furniture you need to consider the health and safety aspects of your project. Remember if you are exercising at home alone you need to consider what equipment is too dangerous to work with by yourself, weights and benches can often be the most dangerous to a user and the household if your space is on the second or third floor. Weights can trap a user and they can also cause some hefty damage if dropped. The consideration of equipment must not be taken likely, this is as each year 5 to 12 deaths are reported from weight training. Usually the cause of death is suffocation from dropping the bar across the neck during the bench press.
The Space
Gym equipment can quickly fill the largest of spaces, working out how much space you have to utilise should be your first port of call before you purchase any treadmills or running machines. There are a few good gym planners online which can help you plan your room layout, this will help your determine the positioning of your fitness equipment and the extra space you need for working out.
One of the greatest failures when creating a home gym is the failure to leave enough space, many people forget they need extra space around equipment to work. Windows and doors often can get in the way of working space, never place equipment near an opening door as other people can enter at any time, potentially causing a risk to you whilst running or weight training. Another thing to remember is that when you have sorted out the layout and dimensions of your space, consider the access to the room. You will need to have enough space to install and carry the equipment in to your room, without enough room to erect your gym items your room will be a waste of time. Once you have a few items in your space remember that may require different levels of power, you need to ensure your space is electrically sound before using any fitness equipment.
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Potential Costs & Equipment
As disused in the first paragraph, setting up a home gym is more economical over the long term. In the short term you will need to consider invest ing new gym equipment or second hand items. Depending on your overall fitness goals you may want to consider adding different workout elements into your space to create a complete home gym:
- Resistiveapparatus will help you build muscle (Multi Gyms, Squat & Bench press or Power racks)
- Cardiovascular apparatus is great for weight loss (Stationary bike, rowing machine, or treadmill)
- Gym Accessories are great for various workouts (Exercise mat, tone tubes, gym ball, power grips, or sit up bars
The amount you spend on creating your own home gym can be as little or as much as you want. It’s always advisable to learn the techniques required for purchasing fitness equipment, this will help you for possibly causing damage to yourself and your home. It is always best to ask for advice on home renovation, if you have any question take to fitness forums as many people will have properly had the same problems as you are having.
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