Entry #1535, August 30, 2012
Each country has its own distinct architectural preferences and designs. These designs are mainly inspired by culture, availability of materials and environment. There are also instances when designers are influenced by other countries especially for those professionals who finished their studies outside their country of origin.
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Swedish design has an unforgettable & recognizable style
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One of the best interior designs that you can’t help but appreciate are Swedish designs. They have this distinctive touch in terms of interior designs.
The Swedish design interiors combined simplicity and elegance. But you can easily identify their style by these common features:
White walls
This is where simplicity comes in. With white as your background, it makes your interior a clean canvas for your ideal masterpiece. It emphasizes the beauty of your furnishings and wall decor. White wall color provides a clear accent on the curves and linear forms of your furniture and other decorations. The minimal aesthetics are what make Swedish design gorgeous.
Gorgeous and well-patterned flooring
For Swedish design, well-patterned flooring creates a highlight in the room. It gives prominence to the white walls. This catches the attention of guests and provides the elegance of this interior design. The flooring is made up of wood tiles that are low maintenance and durable.

Comfortable and understated Swedish design

Love the dark grout.. breaks up the white tile nicely
Mid-century modern designed chairs
One of the eye-catching features of Swedish design is also their furniture. In this apartment you can see how the chairs are distinctively Swedish. This shows the hospitality and warmth of the people who conceptualized the design. The chair is the first thing that we can offer to our guests and that’s how this design works. Having well-designed and comfortable chairs in your interiors can spell out the difference. You will surely get excellent remarks from your guests when they feel the comfort and coziness in the chairs in which they are seated.
Swedish design can be incorporated in other interior designs your home, and when all these features are combined in one your interiors, you will love how Swedish designed elements can make your home comfortable and well appointed.
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