Entry #1134, April 30, 2012
Having a home comes with a responsibility to clean up and clear out the clutter. A clean and organized home provides pleasant surroundings and promotes healthy living. The time and efforts exerted in cleaning will definitely pay off. In addition, a clutter-free home prevents potential accidents to take place.
Cleaning can be very tiring and time-consuming. It requires keenness to do it efficiently and effectively. Cleaning and clearing your home can be planned so that you don’t waste your valuable time and energy. When cleaning your home consider writing down what rooms you will tackle on what day. Consider having a chore for each member of your family to take the stress off of one person and to share the responsibility of a clean home.
Here are some of the systematic procedures to clean up and clear out the clutter at home:
Image via: Bhg
Decide what to keep and what to toss
This process involves assessment of personal belongings to keep and throw away. It can also be your home decorative items and accessories that are not functional or damage. Instead of throwing your stuff away, you may gather them all and have a garage sale. Also consider selling them online, donating to a charity, or repurposing into new items to use around your home.
Sort and assess
After deciding what to keep, sort out your things accordingly. This may take you some time but sorting your things will definitely provide better accessibility in the future. Sorting will also ensure that a certain belonging is really something to keep or not. Try sorting out items by what you can use now, what is seasonal – for example holiday, special occasion or for unique events and what items are just taking up space. Sorting can also be a mental decluttering process. The more items you have around you, the more you feel you have to hold on. Assess what is important and what is just ‘there’ taking up valuable space.
Image via: Annesage
Organize your belongings
This procedure will avoid potential clutter. Organizing your personal belongings, home decors, tools, accessories and other things at home will help you regain the control of your time. You can do this by using storage boxes, cabinets and containers in placing your stuff. Take some time to put labels on your storage for easy access and retrieval.
This can be easier read than done. But bear in mind that knowing how to clean up and clear out the clutter at home is absolutely worthwhile.
For more home organization ideas on Stagetecture, click here.
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Ari Z says
There is something very cathartic about reclaiming your space and organizing chaos. It helps you fall back in love with a space and get a better handle on things. It’s also a good excuse to redecorate.