Entry #73, April 23, 2010
The laundry room can be a great space to get things done if it’s organized. Through all of my laundry posts, I haven’t talked about organizing. When I say organizing, I’m focusing on “How-To” organize. For example how to organize the cleaners and detergents. How to organize the clothes in whites, darks and

Organize your laundry room with helpful tips from Martha!
colors in bins, etc…
Martha Stewart has a list of ways that are helpful and any of us can do them!
Whether your laundry room is a tiny closet or a spacious basement, organization is key. These 10 tips will help you make the most of the space you have.
1. Arrange products and supplies according to how you use them. Anything you regularly need should be within easy reach; place extras and incidentals on a high shelf or another out-of-the-way spot.
2. Decant detergents from large boxes and jugs into smaller containers or soap boxes; refill as needed.
3. Store small supplies in boxes or bins: Place stain-removal products in one, sewing materials in another, and sponges in a third. Have rags on hand for spills.
4. Sort whites, colors, delicates, and heavily soiled items in bins or rolling carts.

Consider “built-in’s” to save space – Like this from Ironing.Central
5. If you don’t have room for a folding table, affix a fold-down shelf to the wall.
6. Keep a drying rack handy for drip-dry items.
7. Attach an ironing board hanger to the wall so the board and iron are secure and out of the way but easily accessible.
8. Install a rod in the laundry room on which to hang clothes as you iron; or install a hook over the top of a door to serve the same purpose.
9. Keep clothes hangers and mesh bags for delicates with your cleaning supplies or in a nearby cabinet.
10. Use free space in the laundry room to store gift wrap, ribbon, basic tools, and pet supplies.
Do You Know?
Adjustable, plastic-coated wire shelving is a great surface for drying clothes. When not in use as a drying rack, the shelving can serve as extra store space for detergent, starch, and your iron.
From Organizing Good Things 2004, Special Issue 2004
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