(A big “thank you” to our friends at Fox Pest Control for sponsoring this post!)
There are bugs and insects everywhere and everyone has a place in the world. Even the smallest and most insignificant play an integral part in maintaining our ecosystem.
But that doesn’t mean you want or should put up with them in your home!
Before looking at natural steps to avoid pest problems it is important to understand that if you discover a pest problem in your home you should contact the professionals and get the problem dealt with before it becomes worse. You can find out more about how they operate here.
That said, here are some great natural methods for keeping pests out of your home:
Citrus Peel
There are many pests which do not like the fresh smell of citrus. Spiders, ants and mosquitoes are particularly bothered by the scent.
Simply get the peel from your citrus fruit and rub it along your doorways and window edges. You can even create a polish from it and do all the wooden surfaces in your home.
White Vinegar
This product is actually used by many pest control firms by itself or as part of another ingredient. White vinegar is extremely effective at disrupting the pheromone trail that ants leave. Without their trail they will need to go elsewhere to locate a new home.
Mint is excellent as a deterrent for almost all sorts of pests. Simply rub it along your doorways and windows. You can even plant some fresh mint to help keep them away.
The great thing about growing your own mint is that it grows very quickly. That means you’ll have an exterior barrier and a plentiful supply of leaves which can be crushed and rubbed along your window sills and doorways.
Citronella and lemongrass are also effective at keeping pests away. In fact there are plenty of herbs you can use.
This spice is another natural product that many pests won’t cross. Simply sprinkle a line across your doorway and window sills. You can even do it right round your home to protect the walls.
If you’re looking to deter ants, moths, wasps and silverfish then place cucumber slices or peel around your home. They will do their best to avoid it.
Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
This soil is actually created naturally from the fossilized remains of tiny marine phytoplankton. It actually has the capability of damaging the exoskeleton of your pests. Once this is damaged the DE will enter the body and dehydrate it causing the insect to die. I used this method to deal with a serious earwig problem this summer.
Eucalyptus Oil
This is a great way to get rid of flies. All you need is a little of this essential oil on a cloth and then leave the cloth where the flies frequent. They don’t like the aroma and will go somewhere else.
The most effective way to avoid pest problems is by keeping your yard tidy. Rubbish needs to be bagged and removed, debris got rid of and even your grass clippings and mulch should be a good distance from your home.
These all make good accommodation bases for the pests which then work their way into your home. Eliminate their potential homes and they will go elsewhere.
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Wow, thank you for all these wonderful tips. So many I was not aware of, but will be using.