Entry #2830, September 13, 2013
Today we continue Stagetecture’s feature ‘Olioboard Inspiration‘. Last week you enjoyed – ‘Cozy Autumn Fireplace Mantle Ideas‘ from Lisa Ketz and this week it’s time to get your laundry room organized. Nora Noorsirrat who is a member of the Facebook Olioboard Fan Room gives you ideas for taking a utilitarian room and making it functional, organized and simplified with creative laundry room ideas!
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Olioboard Inspiration #33
‘Simplified Laundry Room Organization ’ – Nora Noorsirrat
Doing laundry is actually serious business. It is a long process of sorting, waiting, ironing and folding that usually takes up several hours of your day,of which all are spent in this room. It can be a stressful experience if the room is cold, cluttered and messy. The Laundry room is an important enough space to give attention to. Organize it well and make it cheerful and you will look forward to spending time in this room!
Shelving and mounting
A laundry room is usually small and tight. Build shelving into nooks and corners to maximize space upwards. Stack up your dryer upon the washing machine and mount ironing boards on the wall to save floor space. Place all your washing detergents and cleaning accessories in one place, you’ll save time searching for those cleaning agents if you can see all at a glance and will make doing the laundry more efficient.
Cover with Curtains
If you don’t like the shelves too open or afraid that you can’t keep it neat and tidy, disguise them with curtains. Find fabrics that are light, like linen or gauze with cheerful patterns and you’ll find not only it serves as a closet door to your shelves but it will make the room bigger and brighter.
Sorting and folding while standing is not good for your back. A table or console top can be made a worktop for you to do your tasks. Use old tables, desks or consoles that you don’t use but love it too much to throw away. Paint it with bright colors like red,or yellow and add a high stool. Doing this will give you a work station where you can do your folding sitting down or where you can check emails while waiting for the dryer to stop.
Double as hobby room
Part of laundry process is waiting for the washer and dryer to stop. You can fill this time by doing your hobby while doing your laundry! How efficient is that! Again, use shelving on the wall to save floor space and storage boxes to keep all your hobby items neat and tidy.
Hanging Solutions
Ensure you have plenty of hanging space for your clothes. Use coat hangers that you usually keep in the foyer in the laundry room or colorful knobs as decorative yet functional hangers. You need some style here too!
Cozy corner for Relaxing
What more could you ask for in a laundry room than a quiet corner for a well deserved rest and a cup of tea. Place a small sofa and side table into a corner of the room for you to have a break from the chores and a little ‘me’ time. Put up your favorite pictures or artwork and the laundry room will never look the same again!
“Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it” Confucius
About the Author – Nora Noorsirrat
I am new to blogging , this is my first article written for an interior design blog. I spent the past 15 years doing quality assurance and accreditation audits in the education industry but my love for the creative arts and interior design has always been in my heart.
Recently, I left my job to follow my passion and started my own collection of decorative cushions and linens using Asian fabrics. Most of my inspiration comes from my Asian heritage,the environment of the tropical forest and the materials it produces like teak, bamboo, jute and of course the rich colorful flowers underneath its canopy.
I would like to thank the Olioboard Fan Room and Stagetecture for giving me the chance to express my creative side to share my designs with fellow designers around the world.Also the many new friends I have made who inspire me to do what I have always wanted to do. To see more of my designs, check out my olioboard portfolio . I am currently working on my cushion collection and building up my page “The Rumah Boutique” at Facebook which will be launched once I have completed my range.
For more laundry room ideas on Stagetecture, click here.
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