Entry #1465, August 14, 2012
On the eve of Stagetecture turning 3 years old, I realized that Stagetecture needs to “grow up”. By this I mean for the last 3 years Stagetecture has been a great resource for home related content, but I feel it could use more content about us – the people who live in our homes. Whether it’s dealing with our children and family, affecting our health and wellness, how productive we are in our everyday lives, or just trying to make the world a healthier place, Stagetecture now has a “Wellness” category & an updated look. We thought it was time for new pictures to go along with our content, let us know how you like our home page “face lift”!
New Wellness Category:
In the drop down main menu “Wellness” you will discover new ways to search through Stagetecture’s content to help you and your family live healthier and happier lives. In the upcoming months Stagetecture will start to feature more posts about staying healthy, beauty tips, Men’s health, healthy kids and more. We hope you will enjoy this new category on Stagetecture. Click here –> Wellness
Food Recipes:
Stagetecture has featured food recipes for the last year or so, but never on a regular basis. Once I started choosing more food recipes after my April trip to NYC for the Sandra Lee event – I posted all of the Sandra Lee recipes, and my Facebook fans loved it! I got more suggestions to feature more great recipes. So now Stagetecture has a food recipes category. So now you can search for fabulous menu planning ideas for every meal of the day, including desserts, special occasion recipes, cocktails and more! Click here —> Food Recipes
Green Living:
Eco-friendly living is more important than ever, and especially in our homes and around our family. Green living on Stagetecture features simple ways to choose green products such as paint, and cleaners for your home to ways to re-purpose, re-cycle and re-use items in your everyday home life. Green living also pertains to ways to help the environment, save energy, water, and the Earth’s resources! Click here –> Green Living
Family. It’s our number one reason for taking care of our home. Stagetecture’s Family/Kids category is all about helping the family solve everyday solutions. From getting out the house on time for school to packing healthy meals for your kids. Family posts help your family enjoy time together, make simple everyday challenges – like sharing a bathroom become more bearable, and taking time to organize and decorate kids’ rooms and family areas of your home. Click here –> Family/Kids
Love to travel the world, or at least love dreaming about it? The travel section on Stagetecture will help you get ready for your next vacation with the family or virtually in your mind! From packing tips to activities for kids to do in the car, the travel category of Stagetecture will help you! Leaving town and need to close up the house, or trying to find a house abroad? The travel category is for you! Click here –> Travel
Don’t feel like you are getting anything done lately, the productivity category on Stagetecture could help. From getting organized in your home office to finding motivation to stick to your goals, everyone could use tips to keep on track. Whether you need a pep squad to help, or you just want to start taking the steps to a more productive life, look through these posts, they will help! Click here –> Productivity
Astrology in your Home:
Have you ever wondered if your astrological sign has anything to do with how you decorate, organize your home? It absolutely does! Astrology in your home will help you look up your sign and help you make home decor and organizations decisions easily and more accurately! Click here –> Astrology
Let us know what you think of Stagetecture’s new Wellness category!
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