Valentine’s Day is just a few days away and you have probably already made your plan about how to spend the day with your special one. However, this article can help those who are still confused or overwhelmed with the Valentines Day gift ideas. Forget about the fancy gifts that costs a lot but means nothing or the same cliché gifts that everyone else is going after. These homemade Valentines Day gift ideas are easy, fun, and the personal touch in them will definitely win the heart of your beloved.
Valentines Day Gift: Homemade Gift Ideas for Your Beloved
Image via: Lily Shop
Flowers with Lovely Vases
Flowers are the evergreen Valentines Day gift with which you cannot go wrong. However, why to keep those flowers in a store-bought vase when you can make one by yourself? Place the flowers in gorgeous vases made with Mason jars and pretty pink paint coats. Use different shades of pink to paint the exterior of the jars. Now, cover the jars’ top side with painter’s tape and smear glitter spray paint at the bottom. These small touches will add glam to the jars and make them perfect for an occasion like the Valentine’s Day.
Super Easy Treat Bags
What about paper treat bags? Making these bags is super easy but the end result is rewarding and very romantic. Take white pages or simply cut the pages from a notebook. Fold them into the shape of treat bags and glue where needed. Fill the bags with treats or simple, short love letters. Finally, give them a special touch by sealing with heart-shaped stickers of different colors.
Image via: Martha Stewart
Cute Printables for Takeout Boxes
Whether you give candies, chocolates, candles, wristwatch, a cute pendant, or anything else, you need to give tem in a cute, adorable box. Plain takeout boxes are available and you just need to apply a bit DIY skill to make them perfect for the romantic occasion. Many free printables are available online. Choose one, take printout, and simply glue it on the takeout box. Apart from featuring cute prints and patterns, these printables also feature romantic quotes or words like ‘Be Mine’, ‘I Heart You’, or something like that, which will please your beloved more.
Image via: Vishava
Love Rocks to Save the Day!
Don’t have any special skill to impress your special one? Don’t worry! This super easy DIY project of making love rocks will be your savior. Collect rocks of different shapes and sizes, wash and dry them properly, and paint a heart in the center of each of them. Use different colors to paint the hearts and use black paint to highlight their contours. Scatter them on the railings and floor of your balcony garden and use mod podge to seal them. They will be a great gift if your dear one loves gardening.
Image via: Love of White
Just a few minutes and lots of love can make the Valentines Day gifts truly special! These homemade gifts will express your affection for him/her and show your loved one how much you care!
Do you have any Valentines Day gift idea to share with us?
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