Entry #3258, February 12, 2014
“All you need is love…” It’s wonderful to see everyone from everywhere celebrate the month of love. Heart shaped decorations, red streamers, lovely flowers are all around and it’s amazing. So what’s more special than to incorporate the “Love” month with a Valentine’s Day party? I’m pretty sure most of us have the Valentine’s party decorating down back but here are a few tips that will help to liven up some of the decorating ways for your Valentine’s Day party.
DIY Valentines Day Party Ideas
Have you ever thought of using a theme, treasured sports team or favorite colors as the inspiration for your Valentine’s party? The traditional party favors are great but every once in a while you want to give a different flare for your special day. For some examples, try decorating your Valentine’s party with your favorite sports team paraphernalia, or pick a theme for your party like Alice in Wonderland or vintage trinkets, or try putting the favorite colors of your and the special persons in your life. Check out local websites to help you in deciding which idea is better for you.
Image via: The Purple Pug
However, the traditional way has its perks. Everyone still enjoys seeing the beautiful red, pink and white color combinations streaked around the room. Try setting out the heart shaped cut outs, shimmering red goodie bags filled with Valentine’s knickknacks, balloons, also send out personalized Valentine’s Day invitations like Passports to Paris . Have the Valentine’s Day décor be lead around your home in places like the kitchen, entryway, hallways, and dining room the places where your guests will most occupy.
Image via: Ilunia
Perhaps, it’s just a party for two or couples Valentine’s party, then let’s add in some romance to the mix. For this idea use your dining table or kitchen table as the setting for your Valentine’s favors. Decorate the table with candles, red tablecloth, place settings, beautiful champagne flutes and a rosy centerpiece. You want to add an alluring feel to the space, which will show your spouse or partner how much they mean to you.
Image via: House Keeper London
Set up your Valentine’s Day party imitate a beautiful and romantic country from around the world. Places like Fiji, Paris, Venice, Tuscany etc… You can research the country that you prefer, then purchase or create items that most resemble the country. Such as the food, special monuments on photographs or other items, pictures with the name of the country and hearts around it etc. The possibilities are endless and for more help check out home décor magazines and websites.
Image via: Paris Perfect
The national day of “Love” should be celebrated and you can do it any way you would like. There are only a few suggestions above but they should be very effective. So go out and find out which themes work for your home or your Valentine’s Day celebration and see how they work out for you. What are your Valentines Party Ideas?
For more Valentine’s Day ideas on Stagetecture, click here.
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