Is money not the biggest resource we are constantly trying to save? Especially when your home is gobbling up the money before you cash your paycheck! Need some tips on how to cut corners without feeling the pain of saving? Apartment Therapy has an article on saving money at home, painlessly. Doesn’t that sound nice?

Save money and be happy about it!
- Stretch out your weekly or monthly costs: If you do your grocery shopping every week, try stretching it out to 10 days. Same with trips to the laundromat or the dry cleaner. Stretch out month services for every 5 or 6 weeks. It’s a small change with big returns.
- Do Your Own Chores: Have a housekeeper? Save money, keep your home clean and improve your health at the same time by doing it yourself (or have her come less frequently. See above).
- Don’t have the time to clean, read on… you have 15 minutes don’t you?
- Declutter: Not only will you get rid of stuff but then you can make money by selling it on Craigslist or E bay, swap with friends or donate it and take a tax deduction.
- Pay your bills onlineNot only will banking online save you money in stamps but it’ll help you keep a tighter rein on your finances and avoid bank charges, including overdraft or bounced check fees.
- Save the stamps!
- Use your library: It’s a great source for books and audio materials. If you donate books to the library, you get a tax deduction as well as some decluttering done.
- Swap out regular bulbs for CFLs: Yes, the initial outlay’s a little more expensive (dropping all the time) but they last longer so you’ll have fewer replacements. And they’re good for the environment so you’re saving a little green at both ends.
- Turn down the thermostat: Even a few degrees can help. And, if it’s a little chilly, you can put on a sweater or wrap yourself up in a throw. It’s said that keeping your home a little cool will keep you energized.
- In the winter turn the temperature cooler, in the summer, turn it warmer.
- Bundle: Receiving cable, phone and internet from one provider often entitles you to a discount on those services. Call and ask for a reduced rate.
For more money saving tips, visit Apartment Therapy.
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