Guest Blogger #692, Entry #1634, September 24, 2012
Most homeowners are experiencing record high energy bills – why? Well, with so many modern gadgets on the market that require hours of charging i.e. Laptops, phones, iPads, iPods etc…. it only makes sense that we are using more electricity than ever before. So here is a riddle for you: What is free, and offers power for almost 12 hours every day, and will never burn out or need replacing? Answer: The Sun! Mother Nature has given us a free source for electricity, so here are some ways to make use of it in your home and reduce your hefty electricity bills.

How can you use solar energy in your home?
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Solar roof panels:
there are actually DIY solar panels available at many local and online home hardware retailers. Solar roof panels can be installed in different configurations on the roof of your home, trailer, or even camper and provide hours of free energy! It is suggested that you do some thorough research into your needs, costs, and consult a professional to answer any questions. For ideas on greenplanetsolarenergy look through the green living area on the internet for tips and advice for your area.
Solar Outdoor Lighting:
Use the power of the sun to light up your night! There are numerous solar paneled outdoor lights on the market that you can easily install in your front and backyards. Options range from small landscape lighting that you simply push into the ground with a long spike, all the way to large flood-type lighting that can light up your entire yard for safety purposes. There are also some really neat solar-powered caps that you can put on the tops of all your fence and deck posts, lighting up your entire fence and deck, creating a beautiful nighttime landscape.

Use solar lighting to light your landscape at night
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Install a solar water heater:
Heating the water in our homes can be one of the largest expenses – especially if you have electric heating versus gas. Luckily, even the sun can be used to heat our water with solar roof kits whose main purpose is home water heating. Again, this is something that will require some research and consultation with a professional.
Solar heat can also easily be used to heat the water in your pool. Large solar blankets can be purchased at most online hardware stores and are easy to install on your own. These blankets will heat your pool with the power of the sun – saving you big bucks.
Look online and read a few blogs and articles on powering-up your home with solar energy – you will be surprised by all the options that are available to homeowners just like you!
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