Entry #1595, September 14, 2012
For the last year I have been saying that I wanted to accomplish a few things:
- Publish a design ebook – 111 Simple Tips for your Everyday Home
- Be on a podcast and Blog Talk Radio – Artistically Speaking and Mathis Interiors Radio
- Create a Media Kit (That I put off for 2 years) – Advertising
- Create a You Tube Channel – Stagetecture You Tube Channel
and the last item on my list:
To reach a broader number of people through multi-media…
I’m excited to announce that I am joint venturing into a new project that will make this possible!
Introducing: Mathis & Gibson Media
I am joining Joanne Mathis from Mathis Interiors Blog Talk Radio show. We are partnering to launch Mathis & Gibson Media – A multi-media venture to bring my Stagetecture readers and her Blog Talk Radio listeners multiple ways to connect and share creative ventures. Her listeners will be able to reach Stagetecture readers and vice versa. This opens up the opportunities for you to engage with Blog Talk Radio, as well as her guests to bring their creative content to Stagetecture and Stagetecture’s guest bloggers, DIY content and other home lifestyle topics will be featured on Mathis Interiors Radio.
We will be connecting:
* Radio * Lifestyle Blog *Video *Digital Magazine
Find out more next week.. I’ve already let out enough! 🙂
On September 21, 2012 at 11:00am we will be officially launching and having a party!
Mathis & Gibson Media Launch Party
Join us on Twitter – Facebook – Blog Talk Radio
When: Sept. 21, 2012 – 11:00am EST
Twitter: First – Follow me at Stagetecture and Joanne at Mathis Interiors – then join the party – Hashtag – #MathisGibson
Facebook: Follow Stagetecture & Mathis Interiors
Blog Talk Radio: Mathis & Gibson Launch Party show
It will be so much fun! We will be giving away prizes, talking about how Mathis & Gibson Media will bring you new opportunities: whether you are a brand, enthusiasts, entrepreneur, listener, reader, international lifestyle person wanting to showcase your talents, goods, services, this party will give you details and we will of course CHAT!! 🙂
Join Joanne and me next Friday, Sept. 21st at 11:00am EST on Facebook, Twitter, and hear us on Blog Talk Radio – talk about a Multi-media event!!! All at the same time…. CAN’T WAIT!
Wheh hew!
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