Entry #2522, June 14, 2013
Today we continue Stagetecture’s feature ‘Olioboard Inspiration‘. Last week you enjoyed – ‘Honoring Father’s Day in His Man Cave‘ from Eddie Wood and this week I bring you Tonya Stone Phillips a member of the Facebook Olioboard Fan Room and I asked her to recreate the perfect campout ocassion with Dad for Father’s Day. See how she brought the outdoors to you in this nature lover’s scene that any Dad would love to share with his family.
If you’re interested in being featured see details here: How to be featured on Stagetecture’s Olioboard Inspiration‘ series.
Olioboard Inspiration #20
‘The Perfect Campout for Father’s Day’ – Tonya Stone Phillips
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Origins of Father’s Day
This day to honor fathers was founded by Sonora Smart Dodd in 1910 and first celebrated June 19th that year. The celebration faded, even though a bill was introduced to congress in 1913 to recognize Father’s Day as an official holiday. Two failed attempts and 53 years later in 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued the first presidential proclamation honoring Father’s Day each year on the 3rd Sunday in June. Six years later in 1972 President Richard Nixon signed into law the permanent national holiday we now celebrate as Father’s Day. – *Wikipedia
Camping With Dad
Many elements go into planning a successful camping trip, much like planning a well designed home. After all, a campsite is home in the wilderness. Dad gave us pointers on camping safety. Have a buddy system, a medicine kit, and plenty of fresh water. Keep your supplies and food inside your tent, along with your trash, away from curious critters. Honey is a natural antiseptic, good for scraps and bites, and great on dry cereal. Ticks can be removed by saturating a cotton ball with dish soap, hold it on the skin for 15 to 20 seconds. The ticks will let go and can be removed intact. Always keep the integrity of your natural surroundings. This trip we gave back to nature by planting a sapling by our campsite. Nature awaits and we have to set up our camp.
Our Campsite
We brought indoor comfort to the outdoors by creating a functional living area in our campsite. Comfortable chairs around the campfire are a must after a long days hiking or fishing. The campfire itself deters unwanted visitors and provides light and warmth. The beautiful log side tables are a great place to burn your citronella candles to keep insects away. Wouldn’t these log side tables be a fun asset to your home or patio? Lightweight folding table and chairs create our kitchen and dining area. Our rolling ice chest packs in to our site easily. Overall we have an efficient and functional campsite under the canopy of the great outdoors.
I live in Dallas, TX and am a native Texan. I am happily married to my wonderful husband for 29 years. Fifteen years ago I developed a 100% natural skin care, 100% chemical free. My husband and I own a “Green” business named ARANSAS and we manufacture, retail, and wholesale our organic product line. I am a calligrapher for 31 years, specializing in invitations, logos, and sign making. Love to play with watercolor, swim, fish, garden, and design in Olioboard. I love life, people, and nature. My Olioboard name is Lilybug, hope you join me and have fun designing. You can find me on my website.
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