Entry #885, January 8, 2012 On December 31st, 2010 I opened up Stagetecture to a broader spectrum of home niche guest bloggers to bring exposure to other writers and to expand the knowledge base for home niche categories on Stagetecture. One year later the Stagetecture guest blogs have had these ... continue reading...
Search Results for: home safety
Stagetecture Daily Newsletter
Entry #872, January 1, 2012 Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed your holiday season with friends and family and you are ready to start off the new year with gusto. Just like everyone, who makes new years goals, and resolutions, Stagetecture has 'grown up' over the last 2.5 years and is giving back ... continue reading...
Guest Blogger: How to Stay Positive During a Wintertime Move
Guest Blogger #312, Entry #865, December 28, 2011 If you are planning a move in the winter time and either your current location or your destination location is in an area that experiences frigid temperatures and winter precipitation, you’ll want to be sure to take some extra precautions and ... continue reading...
How to Effectively Child-Proof your Kitchen
Guest Blogger #301, Entry #842, December 16, 2011 When your little tykes get big enough to crawl, climb, and walk around, you’re going to have to start worrying about a whole new level of dangerous things they can get into, especially in the kitchen. Just the thought of a toddler rooting through ... continue reading...
How to Safely Remove your Outdated Popcorn Ceiling
There are a few things you should know about your popcorn ceiling. First, it is ugly, outdated, and difficult to paint (well, you probably already knew that). Second, it may be messy to remove, but it is definitely something you can do on your own. And finally, it could contain asbestos, a fire ... continue reading...
Guest Blogger: Celebrating Halloween with Infants & Toddlers
Guest Blog #216, Entry #710, October 18, 2011 Celebrate Halloween at your children’s day nursery with these fun ideas for pre-school kids and toddlers. Image via: The Party Dress Crazy costumes Young children love dressing up, so ask them to come in Halloween costumes for the day. For busy ... continue reading...
DIY Saturday #69 How to Make your Bathroom Safe for Aging Adults (Video)
Guest Blog #190, Entry #674, September 24, 2011 Happy DIY Saturday! Over the past years the need for homeowners to adapt their homes for the elderly has become commonplace. Whether it's adapt a home for a family member, or to make your home safer and easier to get around. Universal design, ADA ... continue reading...
Stagetecture’s Guest Bloggers Receive Broader Exposure – eHow, Livestrong, & More!
Entry #672, September 23, 2011 When I decided to start having Guest Blogs on Stagetecture in December of 2010, I didn't exactly know how the turn out would be. I figured I would get a few every few weeks or so, but the recent feedback and requests to be a guest blogger has been overwhelming and ... continue reading...
Guest Blogger: Keeping your Kids and TV Safe Around Each Other
Guest Blog #174, Entry #653, September 12, 2011 For many households, the television is considered part of the family! Well, maybe not exactly, but for as much as it is used and homeowners design around it, the television is an important asset to many homes. The challenge for many parents is the ... continue reading...
Guest Blogger: 5 Unique Bathtubs We All Wish We could Afford!
Guest Blog #156, Entry #630, August 26, 2011 The bathroom, is one of those rooms in your home that you want to feel total relaxation, peace, and of course... pampering! Luxury bathtubs have become a trend in many posh homes, and today's Guest Blogger shows you a few that we all wish we could ... continue reading...
How to Keep your Family Safe in the Pool this Summer
Guest Blog #140, Entry #611, August 7, 2011 Relaxing in a home pool may as well be the exclamation mark on the description of “American Dream.” A pool in your back yard -- or even just a community pool in your neighborhood or apartment complex -- can be like having your own little oasis right in ... continue reading...
Overcoming the ‘Unexpected’ of Outdoor Entertaining
Guest Blog #131, Entry #599, July 26, 2011 The idea of outdoor entertaining is always exciting, especially in the warm summertime months. The idea of friends and family enjoying refreshments by the pool and taking in the warm summer sun can be heavenly. What happens when the weather doesn't ... continue reading...