Throwing a Cool Teen Halloween Party is a must for today’s parents, right? Halloween is just around the corner and maybe your teens are too old to trick-or-treat. But, that does not mean they have to roam on the streets with friends. If you want to keep them at home without spoiling their Halloween fun, consider hosting a Halloween party. And as teens are usually unpredictable and tough to please, we point you some tips that will help you sail smooth.
Essential Tips to Throw a Cool Teen Halloween Party
Teen Halloween Party Ideas:
Guest list and invitations
Discuss the guest list with your teen and make sure he/she knows that you are around. Have a backup plan for dealing with uninvited guests, because you are probably going to have a few. When planning invites, be prepared that your teen may not appreciate the idea of Halloween themed paper invitations, so don’t insist. Let him/her choose the communication method for invitations, which most likely would be an email or a text.
Create a Haunted House on a Budget with these cool tips:
Halloween Party Ideas: Privacy Counts!
The last thing teenagers want is parents lurking around. So, give your teen and his/her friends some space and privacy. In order to ensure that things don’t get out of control, it’s wise to stay close by but defiantly in a different room. Peek in occasionally but don’t interfere.
Safe-proof the surroundings
It’s possible to bump into a glass object when lights are dim so, remove expensive and breakable items from the party area. To avoid accidents and longs hours of after party clean ups, consider using plastic or disposable cups and bowls instead of glass.
Halloween Food Ideas
Teenagers love to eat so, provide them with lot of food from chips to pizzas to baked items. Keep an eye on the bowls and plates and fill them as soon as they run empty. Make sure to check with your teen if any of the guests have special dietary needs.
Take a look at our 20 Halloween Party Treat Ideas here.
While, these are some basic tips that you must keep in mind when hosting a Halloween party for teenagers, be sure to include your teen in the planning process for a sure shot hit.
For more Halloween party ideas on Stagetecture, click here.
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