Though it is still early, this winter seems to be shaping up to be a long one. Depending on the area where you live, the weather could mean an abundance of snow days – and kids at home to entertain. While making snow angels and drinking hot cocoa will always be solid options for keeping the troops busy, these kids snow day activities may come in handy in a pinch.
Easy & Fun Kids Snow Day Activities
Image via: Make it Do
Make Snow Art:
Snow offers your kids the unique opportunity to show off their artistic abilities on a virtually unlimited canvas. Create your own snow paints by filling empty condiment bottles up with water. Mix each one with a few drops of food coloring and send the kids outside to let their creativity run wild.
Image Via: Comfortably Domestic
Marshmallow Snowmen:
If the kids are unable to go outside, don’t be afraid to bring the snowmen building fun to them. For this activity, you’ll need: marshmallows, pretzel sticks, and chocolate chips. Show the kids how to layer three marshmallows onto a pretzel stick to create the body. Then use another pretzel stick on each side for the snowman’s arms. Allow the children to decorate the body however they’d like with the chocolate chips. Don’t be afraid to accessorize with any other candies that you have on hand. These little guys are the perfect accompaniment for a midafternoon cup of hot chocolate.
Image Via: The Hungry Housewife
Camp Out Indoors:
Cold weather is the perfect excuse to stay cozy indoors all day long. Turn your pajama party into an activity by camping out in your living room. Grab pillows, blankets, and couch cushions and work together to build a huge fort. Once done, crawl inside and cuddle up with the kiddos. Revel in lying around and watching movies all day. When you get hungry, feel free to incorporate your favorite finger foods into a picnic on the floor.
Image Via: Lacy Mcvey
Make Lasting Traditions:
Snow days offer the perfect opportunity to create lasting childhood memories. Think about the snow day activities that you enjoyed most growing up. It could be something as simple as reading a book together, baking some sweet treats, or playing a time-honored board game. Choosing the specific activity is completely up to you. However, just make sure to find time for it on the majority of snow days. It will give everyone something to look forward to and you never know what the kids will remember when they grow up.
On snow days, there always tends to be a magical feeling in the air. No matter what activities you engage in with your children, they are bound to have a good time. However, don’t hesitate to use this list to make your day a little less stressful.
What Easy & Fun Kids Snow Day Activities will you do this winter?
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