Feature #19, March 13, 2010
Whether your live in a state that abides by daylight savings time or not, it’s a great time to go through a safety checklist for you and your family. Below is a checklist of items to remember, and check on.
- Change the clocks, change the batteries. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors save lives … if they’re powered on by a fresh battery. Safety experts recommend replacing smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries twice a year–so celebrate Time Change Sunday with fresh batteries all around.Energy savings hint: don’t toss the replaced batteries just yet. While they’re likely not fully charged, replaced batteries can still do duty in children’s toys, media players or electronic devices. Squeeze the last drop of power out of them before you recycle!]
- Replace light bulbs. Chances are, you’ll have stepladders out to reach smoke detectors and clocks, so double up on safety (and energy savings) by checking for light bulbs and fixtures.Consider replacing conventional bulbs with energy-efficient compact fluorescent or LCD bulbs. The U.S. Environmental Protection estimates that replacing standard bulbs with energy-efficient ones saves over $30 in electricity costs over their lifetime.
- Check the first-aid kit. Summer’s coming … along with bumps, scrapes and stings. Check the first aid kit, and replace any missing supplies:Printable First Aid Checklist
- Review your family emergency plan. If an emergency strikes, will your family know what to do?Review your family’s emergency plan, or create one for the first time. Update phone numbers, addresses and contact information, and post an Emergency Information Page near the phone:Printable Emergency Information PageLearn more about what your family needs to know in case of disaster or emergency:Family Emergency Preparedness from RedCross.orgAre You Ready? A Guide For Citizen Preparedness from FEMA.orgThis free printable from Ready.gov makes it easy to develop a plan in case of emergencies:Printable Family Emergency Plan
For more home safety ideas on Stagetecture, click here.
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